Miracle on Ice
You can read the article here
1. Who is the main subject about?
Them person that is the main subject in this artical is Robert Ettinger. lie-lay-laid. lay-laid-laid
2. What details, anecdotes and accounts from other people illustrate the subject's personality?
Robert was a very brave person who listened more to his head and heart than what he was told. His son tells about him during the war, when he didn't lie down when he was told. A lot of people that lay down were killed, but he was not. He liked the thought about extending life, and was very determined to get an answer to make it happen, his hope is to be woken up one day and live longer.
3. What overall impression do you have of the person from the article? What gives you that impression?
Robert seemed like a very kind and fair person. He fought for his country and risked his life, as an answer to this, he went in to study and research cryonics.
4. Why do you think this article was published in The New York Times?
I think this story about Robert was pubklished in The New York Times because he desided to be frozen after death.
5. If you were to write more in-depth profile or obituary for the person which details from this article would you include? What additional information would you need to find out? Which people do you think you would interview to get this information?