Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The movie that changed my life

We all had to write a true story about something that made an impact in our life, I chose to write about the time I watched a scary movie. I got an A- on it.

The movie that changed my life

When I was around seven years old, my life turned up side down. One of my friends at that time showed me a movie that would scar me. I really regret my decision not to walk away the minute we started watching the movie. It was one of the scariest movie ever made, and it is called The Exorcist, and is rated R.

What was I thinking to see that movie? And the weird thing is that my friend's mom bought the movie for her daughter, and it was one of her favorite movies at the time even though she was only seven years old! She thought the movie was funny. I don't get it.

When I walked for dinner after seeing the movie, I was terrified, even in the perfect day light. I was shacking. It must have been one of the longest days ever, I was really dreading nighttime. I eventually told my parents about the movie, I was crying so hard. My parents said that I could sleep in their bed for the night, I was so relived. I thought it would be okay, I struggled a lot with nightmares already, and it always helped to sleep in their bed. But I couldn't be more wrong.

The dream I had that night wouldn't seem scary if I described it, but it was the worst dream I ever have had. I woke up a lot that night, sweating and crying. I imagined that demons would crawl over me and jump over me and always watching over my shoulder.

I didn't sleep in my own bed for over three months, and I dreaded for the nights to come. I now get scared of the smallest and weirdest things, and I will never be able to see a scary movie ever again.

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